Print Ads:

Two-Page Spread: 11 w x 8 h
The Spread is a two page ad that spreads across the entire magazine:

Full Page: 5.5 w x 8 h
A complete whole page ad for your company:

Print Ad Specs:

File type: Submit your ad as a PDF only. All fonts and images must be embedded.
Images used in your add must be 300 dpi minimum to ensure quality printing. Images below this resolution will print pixelated and can’t be accepted.
CMYK colors only.


All ads need an 1/8″ (0.125″) “bleed line”. Safe Area is the 1/8″ (0.125″) area inside the trim line. Do not put critical information or images within the Safe Area.

If you need help with your ad….

If you’d like us to create a custom, full-color ad for your business, our design team is ready to help! We offer our services at a low rate per ad creation.